CyberTheft of Trade Secrets, and Attorneys’ Considerations during Data Breaches
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 2:35 PM - 3:25 PM
Herbert Joe

Trade secrets make up the majority of the value of U.S. public companies' portfolios. Not surprisingly, such secrets are high value theft targets for domestic and foreign competitors. In one survey, half of the respondents admitted to taking corporate data when they left their employer and almost two-thirds transferred corporate data to personal devices and never deleted the same. Domestic economic damage attributed to trade secret theft alone – not even accounting for counterfeit goods and software piracy – exceeds $600 billion annually. This presentation explores the world of trade secrets, how trade secrets differ from other intellectual properties, the legal aspects of trade secrets, some recent case law and legislation, and general ethical and discovery considerations of attorneys responding to a security breach.

Location Name
Fiesta 4
Full Address
Disney's Coronado Springs Resort
1000 W Buena Vista Drive
Orlando, FL 32830
United States
Session Type